Budapest Diaries
60 Min.
The film "Budapest Diaries" documents the events of the final year of WWII and the Holocaust of the Jews in Budapest, Hungary, as these appear in personal diaries written in real time by Jews and their Christian neighbors.
The diaries depict from the diverse perspectives the daily decline, the persecution of the Jews, the battles that almost destroyed the city and the disillusionment at the end of the war.
Directed & written by | Shay Fogelman
Produced by | Zafrir Kochanovsky, Miri Ezra
Edited by | Sivan Gonshorovitz
Broadcaster | KAN - The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation
Produced with the support of | Claims Conference,
The New Fund for Cinema and TV,
Mif'al HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts
Festivals and awards:
Special mention award- Histories and Film Festival in Rasnov, Romania, 2024