About Us
Tell us about your project and needs, we’ll make them a reality.
TTV Productions is one of the leading production companies in Israel that specializes in the creation, development, and production of a wide range of content including drama series, sitcoms, documentaries and feature films.
Ttv Productions’s projects have earned it quite a few awards and nominees. The most prestigious ones are for the live action youth series “Memory Forest” which won 1st place at the BNFF festival 2022 and was a nominee at the international Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Emmy) 2023.
We have extensive experience working with major Israeli broadcasters and top-notch global networks and production companies.
The company's office is located at Ussishkin Street in Tel Aviv.
How it Works
We believe the way to create is to be intrigued and excited by the world around us. In a media-saturated world, we hope to create content that stands out and speaks to millions of viewers worldwide.
We take an active part in creating content and selling it to diverse local and global platforms. We exceed audience and network demands every day.
The company's development department works on three levels:
-Forecasting the needs of broadcasting authorities and content developers.
-Developing content close to our heart and which we deem important enough to bring to the screen.
-Sorting proposals from diverse filmmakers that are adapted to the needs of various networks.
Executive Profiles
Zafrir Kochanovsky - Producer, CEO
Zafrir Kochanovsky, founder of the company, is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in England (RADA). After several years of working as an actor in London, he returned to Israel and found a home in the Israeli film and theater industry as an actor and director.
Zafrir established TTV Productions Ltd. in 1991 with a vision to bring powerful stories and topics to the screen. Zafrir writes and creates many of the company's productions.
Zafrir's concepts and developments are also welcomed abroad.
Miri Ezra - Head of Productions
Miri oversees all phases of production from development to distribution, promotes various proposals for franchises, manages the construction of an annual work plan, recruits key personnel, and manages the budget and closing contracts.
Miri is an MA graduate with honors from the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.